Thanksgiving week

Good afternoon Sangerville,

It appears the ground is becoming a little white for the first time this year, but the national weather service is saying little to no accumulation is expected. Nevertheless, the weather over the next few days looks like it may be a little ugly at times and roads may become slippery in places for short periods of time. Please be careful driving and slow down appropriately. I have just been informed our crews are out sanding as I write this.
There is not a great deal to report from the town office today as it is Thanksgiving week. A reminder, we will be closed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If you are looking for a place to connect with your neighbors and share a Thanksgiving meal, the recovery center on the Douty Hill Rd. will be providing a free community Thanksgiving Dinner. The doors will be open for people to come by and socialize starting at 1:00 PM with dinner at 2:30 PM.
One of my primary responsibilities as town manager is to oversee our budget, or more specifically, see that your tax dollars are spent in a responsible manner according to what you the citizens decide at our annual town meeting. In addition to that responsibility, I help prepare a budget that is reviewed by our select board and budget advisory committee and presented to you, the townspeople at our annual town meeting for approval for the next year. That is why attending town meetings are so important. Every dollar we spend on everything from roads to the fire department to animal control and everything else is approved by you at town meeting.
To most of us that annual tax bill is a significant portion of our family income, I understand with prices of everything going up the way they have the last few years, that even a modest increase in taxes hits those struggling to make ends meet very hard. That is why the select board, budget advisory committee and I will be working very hard to produce a fiscally responsible budget while doing as much as we can to improve town services and infrastructure.
I don’t remember ever learning in school, even in college, how a town collected and spent taxes. Which to me is far more useful to know L’hopitals rule in calculus, but I digress. I thought you folks might consider it interesting, if over the next few posts, I talk about how your tax bill is created and then what happens to the money after you pay your taxes.
The first item to discuss is mil rate. I think we are all familiar with the term mil rate. Mil is short for millage which is derived from the Latin word millesimum which means one thousandth. An analogy is percent, one percent is 1/100th, 1 mil is 1/1000th. An example would be if you have a mil rate of 12, which is fairly close to our mil rate and a property value of 100,000 your annual tax bill would be $1,200. I will talk a little more about assessed property value on my next post.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving everyone.

This week in Sangerville

Good Friday afternoon Sangerville,

It appears we are going to receive some much-needed rain over the next 36 hours or so. The good news is that although it may mix with a little snow tomorrow night, little to no accumulation of snow is expected so we are not anticipating needing to put any sand or salt on the roads just yet.
I have been told there is a community Thanksgiving dinner at the masonic lodge in Guilford this Sunday afternoon, by donation, all are invited. It is being put on by our local DeMolay.
At our select board meeting this week we changed the town hall committee from an ad hoc committee to a standing committee with up to 25 members. At this time, they have twenty members and will be having their, organizational meeting to elect officers, develop a schedule, work plan, etc. soon. If you are interested in this committee, please see us in the town office.
We are desperate for a few people on the board of appeals. We also need a couple people on the road committee. If you are willing to serve on any of these or other committees, I would like to talk with you. Either drop by the office or email me at:
Specific expertise is not required for any committee roles. You simply need to be a resident of Sangerville interested in helping your community. As with everything in government, multiple different perspectives are a strength not a weakness.
The selectmen and I discussed the need to take on the arduous task of reviewing all town ordinances and policies. We are planning to look at the ordinances before the end of February as any changes to ordinances must be done at a town meeting by the voters. Currently there is no required review process, but we are considering adopting a practice of reviewing all ordinances every ten years and all policies every three years.
On a brighter and more interesting topic, the holiday season is upon us. Michelle and Kelsey have put the Christmas Tree up in the office this week and we are beginning to look festive. I noticed when traveling around to check roads earlier this week that our local Christmas Tree Farms are starting to harvest trees. The town office will only be open Monday and Tuesday, regular hours next week. We are closed regularly on Wednesdays and will be closed for Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Sangerville committees


Mon – Tue: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Thu – Fri: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

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 Good afternoon Sangerville,

In the process of talking with residents and reviewing policies and old records, I have learned that Sangerville has a rich history of residents participating in town committees to help govern the town. With the exception of the planning board, budget committee and ad hoc town hall committee, it seems the rest of our committees have become somewhat dormant. My philosophy of municipal leadership, at least in part, is to listen to as many citizens as possible and encourage community involvement. I think I can safely say that position is supported by our select board. At our select board meeting tomorrow evening and I am sure the regular meetings in December, we will be discussing these committees. Tomorrow evening the budget committee will be appointed. The members of that committee appointed are from a sign-up sheet from town meeting last spring. Last Wednesday evening we had an informal meeting/work session with the members of the ad hoc, town hall committee. Tomorrow evening, we will be discussing, formally, some ideas that came out of that session, primarily a policy change to make that group a standing committee and making appointments to that committee, which I believe will still have some openings if everything discussed is enacted tomorrow evening. In addition to these, we have a need to appoint members to a board of appeals, and a road committee. These are both very important. We are required to have a board of appeals by state law and our own ordinance. The board of appeals primarily reviews planning board decisions that are appealed by the applicant. The road committee assists us in all aspects of planning and budgeting road projects.We also in upcoming meetings will be discussing the forestry committee, economic development committee, cemetery committee and recreation committee.I encourage everyone to attend select board meetings whenever they can. They are the first and third Wednesdays of every month at the fire station at 6:00 PM. This is the best way to know what is going on in your town and to get a chance to discuss anything with your select board. This is where all board appointments and policies are decided. If you are interested in a committee but are too busy to regularly attend, select board meetings you can drop by the office when we are open. I will be happy to chat with you about committees or any other town business. I can also be contacted by email at

Our week of November 11 in Sangerville

Good Friday morning residents of Sangerville. I am happy to report we have had another positive week in the town of Sangerville. We started the week with our veterans day event.

We finished work on the West Rd. this week and that is greatly improved, all the people that use that road to access their property responded very positively to our work. The West Rd. has an interesting history, when it was built in the 1800s it was part of the main county road between Bangor and Parkman. I am not sure where it went from Parkman. When Scott Reynolds was doing excavation for the culvert replacement last week, he dug into some of the original wood corduroy material of the roadbed from the early 1800’s and that wood was still intact. You have to admire that when they built anything in the 19th century, it was built to last.

On the subject of road work, we are mostly focusing on finishing some small projects we need to complete before winter over the next week or two.

Our town hall committee from earlier this year was brought together for an informal work session on Wednesday night with the select board and me. This resulted in a very positive exchange of ideas. Some of that discussion will be put on the agenda for next week’s regular select board meeting. I think we may have openings for additional people on that committee as well. If you are interested contact us in the town office.

Also, on the town hall, our engineers were here this week and did some survey and more planning work. Steve, the lead engineer is planning to provide me with some contact information for roofers that we can use for this project, I am still hopeful we can get some roof work done this year.

Have a great weekend everyone.


This week in Sangerville

Good morning Sangerville, I am very happy with our veterans day ceremony yesterday. I want to thank Brian Knowlton and the Guilford Amercian Legion Post, our local Boy Scouts of America troop, I apologize, I did not get their troop number, Representative Chad Perkins, Paul Davis, Ryder Olsen, our outstanding musician and Alan Burgess and the Recovery Center for all their work and help on the project. I especially want to thank all our citizens who came out to attend the event. This was so successful; I believe we will try to make it an annual event.
On the West Rd. the ditching and culverts are done, and they will begin adding gravel to the surface and compacting it this week. That work should be complete by the end of the week. Some of our other projects this week will be putting some cold patch on the sidewalk in front of the town office to reduce the tripping hazard, replacing some corner signs on the Sangerville Line and removing a couple of dangerous trees in the town right of way on the East Sangerville Rd.
We are inviting the Ad hoc town hall committee to get together at an informal work session with selectmen and I tomorrow evening at the fire station at 6:00 PM. No policy or spending decisions will be made as this is an unofficial meeting or work session but the public is invited.

a few announcements from the town manager

Good afternoon, I would like to share some information with everyone.
First, I am very excited about the veterans day ceremony we have pulled together for the town of Sangerville. It will be at 10:30 Monday morning at the veterans memorial. We will have the Boy Scouts doing the flag part of our ceremony. We have a young man, who I am told is an outstanding musician playing the national anthem for us and we will have the American Legion and a few speakers. Please come out and join us if you can.
Second, work is progressing well on the West Rd., the ditching is almost done, on Monday and Tuesday Scott and Jerry will be doing culvert replacement, so it is possible if need to cross the West Rd. those days, you may be in for a short delay.
Finally, for this post, I want to say thank you to some of our citizens that give extra to the town. I had no idea what goes into an election until Tuesday. When the polls close it is not over and when they open a great deal of work has already been done. Michelle and Kelsey worked very, very hard to make our election process a huge success. Also, our election volunteers: Cheryl Peters, Diana Bowley, and Kathy Willey did not put in just 12 hours, but much closer to 15 when all was said and done with only a few extremely short breaks. Our voter turn-out was 69%. So, thank you to the election staff for doing a great job.
The other group of volunteers in town that is always there and ready to help with anything, even stuff not even remotely related to public safety, are Matt Blockler and the Sangerville Fire Department. They have volunteered to help with everything from tree removal to election set up and about everything in between. As a brother firefighter, this is the group it is natural for me to go to for help, but I do owe each and every one of them a huge thank you.

Veterans Day Celebration

I hope the taxpayers of Sangerville, for whom I work, understand I do more than post stuff on the website and Facebook, this will be my last post of the day. Many of you that I have talked to have heard me say that my personal mission statement as town manager is to help turn angerville back into Sangerville. We have an incredible town here that I feel privileged to help lead. To that end I want to focus effort on community involvement and positive community action whenever and wherever possible. I feel a public recognition of veterans, at our town veterans memorial on veterans day is a perfect way to start putting this philosophy into practice. So:

Sangerville 2024 Veterans Day Event
At the town Veterans memorial
Monday November 11, 2024, 10:30 am

1030 National Anthem
1035 Welcome Remarks: Brian Mullis
1050 Lower old flag and raise new flag
1100 Moment of silence
1102 American Legion Ceremony
1125 Closing Remarks: Paul Davis

I want to thank Alan Burgess from the Recovery Center, who with his people have put real work into bringing this ceremony to life and also to Brian Knowlton of the American Legion. We all put this ceremony together very quickly, as I have only been here about a month, but I believe we will have a positive, dignified ceremony that we can all be proud of. I hope you are able to attend.

Update Select Board Agenda and road information:

I needed to make a couple changes in the agenda for tomorrow night’s select board meeting. So here is the new agenda:
Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda for Wednesday November 6, 2024, 5:00 PM Sangerville Town Office for executive session only, followed by regular meeting at 6:00 PM at the fire station.

1. Call to order at Sangerville Town Office at 5:00 PM
2. Executive Session to have conference call with town attorney on a gated road issue; MRSA 405(6)(E)
3. End First executive session
4. Second Executive Session to discuss unsafe residence; MRSA 405(6)(F)
5. End Second Executive Session, move to fire station for public meeting
6. Open Session
7. Warrants; payroll: 74,75,77
8. Old Business
a. Landfill
b. Storage Pods Town Hall cleaning process report
c. Update on Engineers on the town hall
d. Discussion on committees, changes to the budget committee policy, budget committee appointments
e. Microsoft 365 update
f. Town Cloud Update
g. Winter Parking Ban
h. ATV/snowmobile club representative
i. Accept donation to fire department from Linda Hall
j. Update on Mill St. issue
k. Veterans day ceremony
l. Fire Department Billing for Out-of-Town resident motor vehicle crashes
m. Foreclosed property
9. New Business
a. Board of Appeals
b. Donation to Grace Bible Church
c. Discussion of Lot at corner of Main St. and High St.
d. Assessor Contract
e. Board appointments
f. Grant research update
10. Adjourn

Also, I want everyone to know we are doing a small ditching and culvert project on the West Road this week. It occurred to me that many people might ask why we are utilizing limited time and resources on the West Rd., a dead-end road with limited traffic. My answer is simple. I have been told this road is often impassable during late winter and early spring, (mud season). There are both year-round and seasonal residences on the West Rd. and the North shore of Center Pond, accessible only by the West Rd. Our emergency vehicles must be able to access these residences year-round as a matter of public safety, as well as all residents of Sangerville have a right to be able to use town roads all year. With that said we are keeping the scope of the project as minimal as possible to achieve our goals.
Thank You

Select board Meeting 11/6/2024

Posting the agenda for tomorrow evening’s selectboard meeting. We will begin an hour early at 5:00 PM for an executive session which will be closed to the public for legal reasons. We expect this to take approximately 1 hour and then we will move to our regular meeting which will be open to the public at or near 6:00 PM.
Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda for Wednesday November 6, 2024, 5:00 PM Sangerville Fire Station

1. Call to Order 5:00 PM
2. Flag Salute
3. Executive Session,
a. Discussion with legal counsel MRSA: 405(6)(E)
b. Discussion on a dangerous home MRSA: 405(6)(F)
4. Open Session
5. Warrants; payroll: 74,75,77
6. Old Business
a. Landfill
b. Storage Pods Town Hall cleaning process report
c. Update on Engineers on the town hall
d. Discussion on committees, changes to the budget committee policy, budget committee appointments
e. Microsoft 365 update
f. Town Cloud Update
g. Winter Parking Ban
h. ATV/snowmobile club representative
i. Accept donation to fire department from Linda Hall
j. Update on Mill St. issue
k. Veterans day ceremony
7. New Business
a. Board of Appeals
b. Donation to Grace Bible Church
c. Discussion of Lot at corner of Main St. and High St.
d. Assessor Contract
e. Board appointments
f. Grant research update
8. Adjourn

Also, if you have not taken the opportunity to do so and are eligible, please vote. Our polling location is at the Baptist Church on the Douty Hill Rd. and polls are open until 8:00 PM tonight.
Thank you