Special Town Meeting Warrant




Piscataquis, SS                                                                                                          State of Maine

To: Richard Hall Jr. a resident of the Town of Sangerville, in said County of Piscataquis, State of Maine.


      In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the             inhabitants of the Town of Sangerville, in the county of Piscataquis and the State of Maine, qualified to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Sangerville Fire Station  on _December 12th,  2024_ at _6:00 _O’Clock in the evening, then and there to act on the  following Articles, to wit:

ARTICLE 1:  To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting.

Pledge of Allegiance

ARTICLE 2:  To adopt the Maine Moderator’s Manual published by the Maine Municipal  Association as the authority on the rules and procedures for conducting the     Annual Town Meeting.

ARTICLE 3: To ascertain if non-resident speakers are present and whether or not Inhabitants wish to call on them, to be heard.

ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board to apply for and accept grants from private, state and federal agencies, which might require matching funds from the town and enter into contractual obligations for these grants. 

Given under our hands this _5th_day of December, A.D. 2024


Jeff Peters, Chair


 Mike Gould


 Josh Tracy

The Board of Selectmen

Pursuant to the within Warrant, I have notified and warned the Inhaitants of Sangerville qualified as therein expressed to be at the time, and place and for the purpose therein names, by posting this day an attested copy of the within Warrant at the following places:

            Sangerville Town Office

            The Sangerville Town Web site

            The R. & D Emporium

            The Sangerville Post office

            The Sangerville Facebook page

Attest, a true copy:


              Michelle Nichols, Town Clerk